Philodendron Micans Varieties

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Philodendron Micans Varieties. Philodendron scandens philodendron micans philodendron scandens micans philodendron oxycardium philodendron hederaceum jacq schott is the correct and accepted scientific name for this species of philodendron. Philodendron plants are tropical flowering plants in the family araceae many of the 480 species of philodendron plants are popular houseplants thanks to their large green leaves.

Y Favorite Trailing Philodendron Micans Or Hederaceum Var Hederaceum Has The Most Amazing Velvety Leaves And Gorgeou Plants Philodendron Plant House Plants
Y Favorite Trailing Philodendron Micans Or Hederaceum Var Hederaceum Has The Most Amazing Velvety Leaves And Gorgeou Plants Philodendron Plant House Plants from

For this philodendron variety you can use hanging baskets or a regular pot. Native to the caribbean and mexico these plants have velvety heart shaped leaves. Occasionally you will see the philodendron micans with other names such as velvet leaf philodendron.

It does well in bright filtered light.

This plant can grow to a length of 6 feet so it s better to keep it in a large spacious room. These common names are confusingly shared with a related species p. However it also flourishes in bright indirect light 70 to 85 sunlight. Philodendron hederaceum micans is also known by the names philodendron micans heart leaf philodendron and sweetheart plant.
